Friday, July 7, 2023

Countdown to 50


Long time, no post!

For a period of time since my last blog, life got in the way of quilting.  Then covid happened and I had a lot of time to quilt.  In fact, virtual quilting with my friends became an important way to de-stress and  stay connected.  While many many things have gone back to “normal”, I continue to prioritize virtual quilting with my friends and guild

I recently celebrated a birthday and am a year away from a milestone.  I had decided months ago to do a temperature quilt to mark this year.  Today I decided I should journal this year, including the temperature quilt journey, and have decided to do it here instead of on Instagram or Threads.  And so, I begin!

While I should start by showing you the first flying geese for my temperature quilt, instead I want to share one of my latest quilts (sans binding).  It makes me so happy! I have SIX quilts that are in various stages of the binding process and need to get on those so they can be removed from the UFO list.  So many quilty things to do and so little time!

Happy Quilting! ❤️