Friday, January 3, 2014

Fabriholics Anonymous

My name is Diane and I am a Fabriholic.

In my last post I talked about how I wasn't going to make any "sweeping" resolutions about not buying fabric this year.  Seemed very rationale.... until I realized I have purchased 21 meters of fabric since Christmas!  I can tell you about the incredible deals I found.  Seriously.... $4 a yard for lovely flannel! $7/meter for the perfect Northcott backing for another project! In the end I am simply rationalizing my addiction.  I spent an entire hour today debating the purchase of the Rhapsody in Red and Blue fabric from Connecting Threads.  I have also planned on attending another sale/open house at a local fabric store tomorrow.  The madness must end!!!

I had read Rebecca Lynne's post already and hadn't taken the bait.  But with the extension today I knew I simply had to get my act together.  I spent time today cutting that beautiful flannel into 10 inch squares to make cuddle quilts I have talked about for ages.  I then cut the first month of my Border Creek Station Mystery Quilt.  Notice how none of these were on my January list :)  Or on any UFO list! The point is, I have a fabric problem and I am using this challenge as an opportunity.  Now, to put my UFO list together!! 

Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Well done. I am postponing my start until 9 January when our local quilt shop has their sale, however I did stop myself buying some fabric online on New Year's Day.
